About Twente Additive Manufacturing
We are a team of passionate people whose goal is to change the home building industry for the better. We work with great companies from all over the world to bring your project the most advanced products and building techniques.
We help you develop, design, integrate and project manage the 3D-printing of homes and other architectural feats.
Our Mission: We’ll do it right!
TAM strives to be the world’s premier developer of advanced construction methods through automation integration and modern materials research in an effort to create sustainable and long-term building solutions that reduce the over consumption behaviours of humankind.
How we will do it: Collaboration
He who sits on the shoulders of giants can see the furthest. Twente Additive Manufacturing is not setting out to repeat what has already been achieved, but rather we intend to help grow the technology for all the companies producing 3D Printers for architectural applications. By working alongside the entire industry and helping each of our clients choose and integrate the right type of equipment for their projects we give construction developers the best chance to to have technical and financial success for their builds.
The Netherlands and the rest of Europe have had many early adopters into 3D-Printing of architectural structures and we aim to bring this expertise as far and wide as possible.
Our Vision: Let’s disrupt!
We envision that the relationship we as a species have with homesteading drastically changing. Those who don’t own their home will see the entry barriers vanishing and those increasing their home investments will live in far better and more modern buildings with longer life cycles and far less damage to the environment than their current homes are costing.